
Showing posts from January, 2020

Questions and Sketches for Project 1

Look at student work and artists listed below, choose at least one to respond to. Use these examples as inspiration for this assignment. I found Daisuke Takaku's work very interesting. I enjoyed how she showed multiple versions of herself while performing multiple tasks at the same time. Some of the versions of herself are just sitting and watching and others are working on what seems to be metal. Who are you and how does your artistic practice reflect that identity?  I tend to identify myself as someone who cares for other people, loves art, and wants to help through the use of art. My main career goal is to be an Art Therapist, hopefully working in a hospital. I feel as though art can provide a healthier alternative to medicine in some cases and can help others find peace in hurtful situations.  How does your presence on social media reflect that identity?  All of my social media consists of my friends, boyfriend, family, and trips that I have been on. This shows how I

Brainstorming for identity project


Composite Animal

What characteristics make up your personality? (energetic, talkative, thoughtful, brave) Thoughtful, hardworking, caring Is there something distinct about your appearance that feels like an important part of who you are? (Hair, eyes, height, skin color) My height, I am only 5'1" so I feel like people notice that I am short first. Is there an activity that you love? (travel, building things, singing, climbing) I really enjoy going to the gym. Is there a creature that you've felt an affinity to for a long time?   Dogs, specifically pitbulls.  What animals could embody the characteristics you listed above?  I think a butterfly, pitbull, an elephant, and an ant would fit these characteristics. What location(s) would this new creature exist in? This creature would live in a grassy and tropical area.

Response to Black and Blue: American Artist Is Redefining How We Think About Race in the Digital Age

My Response: I found this article very interesting. The whole idea of changing one's name to literally represent what an American Artist is, makes me question what really makes up an artist. It is somewhat sad that I too pictured a white male when the words "American artist" were mentioned. I believe that identity can sometimes be blurred into today's age. People are able to present themselves in anyway they want by posting whatever they want on the internet. Along with being able to post whatever they want, they are also able to see really anything on the internet. This gives us more exposure to political issues and we are now easily able to form our own opinions. I found it interesting how Artist brought up the question, can people identify as a color? This also brings to question how many different ways can people identify themselves.
Collection of Roses Is there something physical you collect? I collect preserved roses but for this project I will use pictures of real roses. What digital collections do you have...for example: I have years worth of photographs, a hard drive full of music I haven't listen to in a while, resumes dating back to 2001... I have many photographs of family and friends dating back to when I was born in 2001. How does the digital world affect the way we collect? The digital world effects how we collect because we are exposed to a larger variety of items. People are able to order things online or even just keep digital files. Set up collecting parameters for your digital collection (do a search or two to see if it's plausible): What will you? (be as specific as possible, ie. swimming pools in Philadelphia)  I will search different colored roses to bring a variety to the final product. The size of the image does not have to be specific, as I will change the size of the ro

Nice To Meet You Questions

Who are you? Erica Rossiello, a student and artist. Where are you from? West Chester, PA  Do you have a preferred pronoun? she/her Tell me something about yourself? My main career goal is to become an art therapist and work in a hospital. What is your major? Art Education What kind of art do you like to make (share an image)? I enjoy working with acrylics and chalk pastels. Below is a piece I made in drawing class last semester.  What apps/programs on the phone or computer do you use most frequently and what for? I use Safari as my main search browser, I use Spotify while I'm at the gym, and instagram to catch up with people or gain inspiration.  Who is one of your favorite visual artists (post a  photo)? Sage Barnes is one of my favorite artists right now, I originally saw his work on instagram. What do you hope to get out of this class? I hope to enjoy digital work more and learn more about photoshop.  Can you sit still for an hour? If I am very focused on an art

Google Image Game
