Survival Kit

Some items I would take:
- Some art supplies and a small sketchbook
- My laptop and charger
- My phone and charger
- A blanket from home
- a toothbrush and toothpaste
- family pictures?
- my journal
- a candle

Sketches Sent through email

  1. This being our first online project, how did our new format change your experience of working in this class? 
    1. Since this class is mostly on our computers already, I found that it did not really change my experience much. Yes, it is much easier to be in a classroom setting if I have a question, but the tutorials on Tinkercad made this project easier. 
  2. How did you challenge yourself creatively, conceptually and/or technically in the making of this piece?
    1. I challenged myself conceptually because I needed to find a way to represent my dog instead of actually making a mini figure of her. Creatively this was challenging because I was learning a new program. 
  3. Were there elements that made the completion of this piece either more difficult or felt not challenging enough?
    1. At first, I found that trying to use tinkercad was a little frustrating, however once I got used to the way it works I found that this was easy to complete. It was a matter of figuring out what to actually make that was more challenging than anything else. 
  4. Reflect on the project critique: was the feedback you received helpful? Be specificabout why or why not.
    1. I do think the feedback I received was helpful. Although we are not in person to do the critique, it was nice to be able to share screens and also draw on them to explain ideas. 
  5. Was there anything that your professor could have done to better support you thought this project?
    1. I felt that I received the support I needed. 
  6. Please share any other thoughts.
